If you want to be happy defend Jealousy – A Filmy Gyan

You are happy because you are happy about others, you are sad because you are not happy about others, in other way you are jealous.

A jealous individual never tells he/she is in a state of jealousy, rather complains that others are jealous of him/ her. A happy individual in contrast is happy because, he/she is genuinely happy about others.  But in real life you will never meet such kind of individual who is completely happy or not completely jealous. These are two extreme traits of humanity.
Remember the scene of film “Three Idiots” when final results are out for Raju, Farahan & Rancho.

Even though they are happy about each other as friends, but when they found Rancho’s result was way higher than Farahan & Raju, both Farhan & Raju were jealous about Rancho’s Victory. This happens in real life too, we also feel jealous in very close circles. On the day of appraisal even that friendly canteen mate become your worst critic…”How could he got this? And I am left out?” We forget to introspect, rather on working self-improvement, we indulge in becoming jealous about others. Appreciate others.

Jealously between siblings are also very common. In that state of mind they monger on each other’s weaknesses and forget to appreciate each other’s strengths. This give rise to bigger disputes and family ordeal.  Remember the scene of Film “Bawarchi” when Rajesh Khanna mends the differences of elder and younger brother just by remembering them each other’s strengths and forgotten love for each other. ( Scene at 1.10.00 sec)

 It teach us to understand and appreciate each other’s strength and work together to overcome the common weakness.

At peak of our career and prosperity, we forget that life not endless. Care, respect and love is what makes life beautiful. Little moment’s happiness we should care. Again this scene of “Babarchi” teaches a Lot.

In the rage of becoming famous and successful, don’t forget to love, don’t forget to care. A persons remembers you for your love towards him/ her not because what you have achieved!


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