Lassiwala at the Bus Stop

It was 11.30 in the night,
I was waiting for a bus,
Crowds receding down,
and street vendors packing for home.
The lassiwala was still there.
But Popcorn husband & Wife, packed off quite quick,
 'believe, the haste was for the waiting kids.

The lassiwala, just an hour before,
who ignored me altogether,
looked at me with smiley eyes,
thinking for a potential business,
with hope to add a more, to the list of his days customers,
offered me a glass of lassi, at only rupees five,
 which he said is a very discounted price.

As I am no way felling, to drink something very chill,
at this odd hours of night, denied the man with a smile.
But he was determined to make business,
and started persuading with his ways.
 At the end he said, It's the best lassi known to those,
who travel the Rajasthan Roadways bus.
But I ignored.

Then came my bus, Some 45 mins late,
As I walked to board the bus,
The lassivala followed me,
 And Said "Sir, its here for free" I smiled at him,
Searched for rupees five, Instead a 10 note came,

as we exchanged, I told, "Keep the change."


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